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What’s Causing Your Dental Phobia?

May 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:07 am
A woman receiving sedation dentistry

Overall, it’s very normal to have dental anxiety. Somewhere between fifty to eighty percent of Americans suffer from the issue! That said, you may not know the reason for your dentist-related fears. It’d be good to grasp your phobia’s cause in that case. Doing so will help you see how a sedation dentist can address the issue. Luckily, your local dental practice can help you out. To that end, here’s a summary of dental phobia’s signs, causes, and the proper response.


How Dentists Use Art to Ease Dental Anxiety

April 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:48 am
someone looking at a painting on a wall

Patients with dental anxiety sometimes assume that all dentists are sadists who devote their time exclusively to figuring out how to make their patients squirm. While this is the image that sometimes shows up in pop culture, it couldn’t be any further from the truth!

Dentists spend a lot of time thinking about how to make their patients comfortable. In fact, they even think about how the art in their office can be used to put people at ease. If you want to know how that works, here’s a brief tour of the interesting world of dental art.


Are Dental Implants Stronger Than Your Teeth?

March 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:00 am
3-D model of a dental implant

If you’re missing teeth, you probably have heard a lot about how strong dental implants are. They can provide you with an incredible amount of bite force, and they can easily last for 20-30 years with only moderate maintenance.

You may have even heard that dental implants are actually stronger than your natural teeth. Your natural teeth are the strongest bones in your body, so you may wonder how that could possibly be the case. If you’re curious, here’s more information about why this comparison may be warranted.


Is Nitrous Oxide Safe? And How Does It Work?

February 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:05 pm
child wearing a nitrous oxide mask

Getting regular dental care is critically important to maintaining a healthy smile, but a lot of people are put off by the dentist. For anxious patients, sedation dentistry can be a great way to feel at ease, even during the most intense procedures.

Nitrous oxide is one of the most common forms of sedation in dentistry. However, some people who’ve heard a little bit about nitrous oxide may have some misgivings about the safety of the sedative. If you want to learn more about “laughing gas,” and clear up some of your questions about safety, here’s a guide that can tell you a little bit more about it.


The Evolution of Veneers

December 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:23 am
examples of veneers being shown by a dentist

Veneers have the power to transform your teeth in a relatively short amount of time. Thin porcelain shells are placed over the front surface of them to mask chips, cracks, discoloration, misshapes, and minor alignment issues. By adhering to the teeth properly, they provide a long-lasting and natural solution for an improved smile. While veneers are currently a very popular treatment, they have actually been around since the 1920s.  Read on to learn about how they have changed over the years to finally become today’s go-to procedure for a perfect smile!


Want to Avoid Gum Disease? Here’s How Dental Insurance Helps

November 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:58 pm
a woman trying to avoid gum disease in Garland

Most people think brushing and flossing their teeth is mainly to avoid issues like dental decay and cavities. But did you know a solid oral hygiene routine is also essential for preventing gum disease? Contrary to popular belief, this condition is fairly common, as almost half of the American adults over age 30 are struggling with it. However, there are ways you can reduce your risks of this oral health concern, especially if you have dental insurance. Read on to learn how using your coverage plan can help you avoid gum disease in the long run!


4 Questions You Should Ask Before a Smile Makeover

November 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:00 pm
Patient and dentist smiling at each other

Misshapen, discolored, and otherwise imperfect teeth got you down? Good news: dental flaws don’t have to be permanent thanks to cosmetic dentistry! In fact, smile makeovers are designed to address everything from slight chips to severe stains as efficiently and quickly as possible. If you’re considering this smile-transforming service, then it’s important to ask plenty of questions to ensure you’re as informed as possible about the treatment process upfront. With this in mind, keep reading to learn four questions to ask at your consultation with your cosmetic dentist!


Can Teenagers Receive Dental Implants?

September 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:46 pm
Teenage boy smiling.

Dental implants are in a class of their own when it comes to replacing missing teeth, mainly due to their incredible ability to restore lost teeth in terms of look, feel, and functionality. But are implants viable options for everyone with missing teeth, including teenagers? If your teen has suffered a missing tooth, you might be scrambling to figure out a safe and effective way to replace it; however, dental implants actually aren’t usually a good option for teens! Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about why teenagers can’t receive dental implants and what some better options are.


4 Common Dental Issues Cosmetic Bonding Can Solve

August 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 12:18 pm
woman smiling after getting cosmetic dental treatments in Garland

Are you typically self-conscious about the way your smile looks? You aren’t the only one. While many people struggle with minor dental flaws, they often don’t seek treatment due to concerns with time and cost. Fortunately, your dentist has a quick and affordable option that can provide you with the stress-free care you may be looking for. With cosmetic dental bonding treatments, you’ll be able to enjoy and show off a beautiful smile in no time! Read on to learn what you can expect from this option and the four common issues it can fix.


3 Ways Your Child Benefits from Back-to-School Dental Checkups

August 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:16 pm
Child smiling in school after visiting a children’s dentist

Children who experience dental problems in school tend to do poorer academically. Not only that, but they are usually more likely to be absent, which can cause them to fall behind in their studies and make their lives even harder. As you begin your back-to-school shopping, make sure that a visit to a children’s dentist is on your to-do list as well! Getting them scheduled has many benefits, but so does scheduling while there’s still time left ahead of their first day of classes!

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