Most parents and kids will be gearing up for a new school year over the next few weeks – while you’re making a list of items to get, like a new backpack, fresh paper, and sharp pencils, don’t forget to put a trip to the children’s dentist down, too. More than just a “good idea”, recent research suggests that making sure your child is in excellent oral health can actually lead to improved performance in school. Keep reading to find out why.
About Dental Health and School Performance
A recent study published in The Journal of Pediatrics looked at the effects of child dental health related to school performance in the United States. Using data from the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health for 40,752– 41,988 children, researchers found that “dental problems were significantly associated with reductions in school performance and psychosocial well-being.” Children and teens with dental problems had more absences, were less likely to do their homework, and overall reported feelings of worthlessness, showed reduced friendliness, and were shyer than their counterparts with no dental problems.
The results from this study are disheartening, because no child should ever feel embarrassed or withdrawn because of their poor oral health. However, this can be prevented by helping your child take excellent care of their teeth and gums this back-to-school season and all year long.
Back-to-School Oral Hygiene Tips
Getting used to the new school year is all about setting a routine. While you are instilling a new bedtime and getting used to earlier wake-up calls, don’t forget to encourage strong brushing and flossing habits, too. It’s easy to get off track during the summer – but it is never too late to recommit to your family’s oral health and wellness!
Some tips for smile success this time of year include:
- Supervise younger kids’ brushing and flossing until you are sure they can thoroughly clean their teeth by themselves. As a general rule, their fine motor skills are developed enough to brush on their own by the time they can tie their own shoes. Still, you may want to keep an eye on their technique for a while longer.
- Pack healthy snacks for school and keep special treats, like candy and cookies, on a higher shelf for special occasions.
- Encourage your child to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated – many schools will allow them to bring their own reusable water bottle!
- Schedule a checkup and cleaning with their dentist every six months.
- Practice what you preach! Your child will notice if you brush, floss, and visit the dentist, too, and be more likely to comply if they see that everyone else in the family values their oral health.
There’s still time to schedule an appointment with your little one’s dentist. Reaching out today can help set them up for success in the new school year!
Meet the Dentist
Dr. Craig Baginski has been practicing in Garland for over 30 years. Alongside Drs. Kyle and Ben and their entire team, the crew at Dentistry by Brand offer exceptional care for the whole family – including your littlest members! To learn more about children’s dentistry or to schedule a back-to-school visit, get in touch with this practice via their website or by calling (972) 495-9009.