Dental bridges are a versatile way to replace one or several missing teeth. These customizable prosthetics contain the correct number of teeth sandwiched between dental crowns on each end. These anchor to healthy abutment teeth or dental implants on both sides of the gap in your grin so that once in place, you’ll have a seamless smile with no one the wiser.
If you’ve just realized that your restoration has fallen out, you might wonder whether you need to get help right away. Although it may not seem urgent, it’s better to be seen sooner rather than later to prevent further harming your teeth. With that in mind, keep reading to learn four ways to handle a dislodged dental bridge!
Step #1: Call Your Dentist
Once you’ve taken a deep breath or two to calm any frayed nerves, go ahead and contact your dentist. You’ll need to see a professional to determine the extent of the damage and devise an appropriate treatment plan. If your restoration is relatively new and is in decent condition, they may be able to recement it in place. Otherwise, they’ll work with you to replace it or recommend another appropriate prosthetic, like dentures or dental implants.
Step #2: Find the Missing Bridge
Next, you need to locate your dental bridge to take it to your appointment. If it’s broken into smaller pieces, be aware that there may still be bits in your mouth, so be careful not to swallow them. Then, gently rinse the pieces under running water to remove any unwanted particles and store them in an airtight container or Ziploc bag so you will remember to take them with you when it’s time to leave.
Step 3: Clean Your Mouth
If you sustained an injury that knocked your restoration out of your mouth, then you may have a mouth full of dirt, debris, or blood. Rinse gently with warm salt water to naturally eradicate bacteria and reduce swelling. If you’re hurting, it’s usually safe to take over-the-counter meds like Tylenol or ibuprofen to mitigate discomfort.
Step #4: Try to Reinsert Your Bridge
If your prosthetic is largely whole and your abutment teeth don’t have any jagged edges that might abrade the materials, you can try to put it back in its place. First, check the teeth or implants on each side of the gap in your grin. It’s best to leave them alone if they’re wobbly or shaky. If they seem sturdy and strong, you can gently put your bridge back over them with a bit of toothpaste or dental wax to help it stick.
Now that you know what steps to take, you can handle your lost dental bridge like a pro!
About the Practice
At Dentistry by Brand, people of all ages benefit from a team of dentists with 30+ years of combined experience. They work together to provide a full array of services to meet all your family’s needs conveniently under one roof. Their warm and welcoming environment is equipped with state-of-the-art technology to improve patient comfort while enhancing the accuracy of treatment results. If your dental bridge has come loose, you can request an appointment on the website or call (972) 495-9009.